Spending just a few minutes per day will help you maintain strong vision.
![12 Powerful Baba Ramdev Eye Yoga Postures](https://askeverybazaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Untitled-design-29-min-1.jpg)
Let’s first explore what makes Baba Ramdev Yoga special.
Yoga by Baba Ramdev
Yoga master Baba Ramdev is from India. Through television and yoga retreats in India and a few other countries, he made yoga practise more widely accepted. His yoga focuses on pranayama and several other poses that can treat specific ailments. In this article, we talked about Baba Ramdev Yoga eye exercises. Let’s look at a couple of them.
Eye exercises by Baba Ramdev
1.Eye movement, both up and down
2. Eye rotation to the side
3. Both clockwise and anticlockwise eye rotation
4. Palming
5. Trataka
6. Bhastrika Pranayam
7. Kapalbhati Pranayama
8. Bahya Pranayam
9.Anuloma – Viloma Pranayama
10. Udgeeth Breathing
11. Agnisara Kriya
12. Shavasana
1.Eye movement, both up and down
Benefits: Continuous eye movement enhances eyesight and prevents eye diseases.
![Eye movement, both up and down](https://askeverybazaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Untitled-design-30-min.jpg)
Steps to follow: Sit on the floor with your legs extended to perform the up and down eye rotation. Keep your head and back straight. Put your hands on each knee with both of them.Place your right fist, closed, with the thumb pointing up, on your right knee. Any thing in front of you should remain in your line of sight. Now, exhale deeply and look up while keeping your head fixed. Inhale deeply and return your attention to the target. From lower gaze to upward glance, repeat the action. Place your left fist on your left thigh and carry out the same motion. Before starting the workout again, close your eyes for fifteen seconds. Ten times through the exercise.
2.Eye rotation to the side
Benefits: People with myopia and hypermetropia benefit from side eye movement.
To perform a sideways rotation, sit in Padmasana while maintaining a straight back and head. To imitate the Linga mudra, extend your arms in front of you, fists closed and thumbs pointing upward. Fix your attention on the thumbs. Put the clasped hands in between your eyebrows and bring them up to your eyes. With your eyes following the course, move the fists to the right. While doing this, keep your head straight. With your eyes trailing back, bring the fists back to where they were just over the eyebrows. The same should be done on the left side. After each of the ten repetitions of the full exercise, close your eyes for 10 seconds.
3.Both clockwise and anticlockwise eye rotation
Benefits: Both clockwise and anticlockwise spins soothe the eyes and protect them from illnesses and conditions. For individuals who work long hours in front of a computer, this workout is great.
![Both clockwise and anticlockwise eye rotation](https://askeverybazaar.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Untitled-design-31.jpg)
To perform this rotation, sit in Padmasana with your hands in yoga mudra on your knees and your head and spine straight. Right hand raised, thumb pointing upward. During this, keep your elbow straight. Keep your head straight and concentrate on the thumb. Turn your thumb clockwise while looking after it. Five times through this, then five times through the opposite direction. By directing your attention on the left thumb, you can repeat the entire procedure.
Benefits: Warming your palms will improve circulation in your eyes. This exercise can help you relax your eyes quickly and easily. It enhances blood flow and reduces fatigue and puffiness.
Procedure: Sit comfortably in order to perform palming. When you start to feel heat emanating from your palms, rub them together firmly. Feel the warmth spreading as you place the palms over your closed eyes.
Benefits: Trataka is the Sanskrit term for defined periods of uninterrupted staring at an object. Your focus and vision will both improve by doing this. This eye workout reduces strong myopia.
Steps: Take a comfortable seat in either Padmasana or Vajrasana. Two feet or so away from where you are seated, place a candle. Light the candle, and keep your eyes fixed on the flame. To keep track of time and to keep your mind steady, you can mentally count numbers. As long as you can, search. The more time you put in, the better.
6.Bhastrika Pranayam
Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama include improved vision and increased blood flow to the head. Your physical and mental well-being are both refreshed.
Steps: Lie in Padmasana with your spine straight. Close your right nostril with your thumb. Breathe in and out through your left nostril firmly and swiftly. 20 times or so, repeat this. As you perform the workout, your abdominal walls will start to bellow. Take a deep, long breath as you leave this world. Repeat the same now on your right nostril, sealing the left nostril with your left thumb. One bhastrika is produced by completing the technique on both nostrils. Repeat the same technique after 30 seconds of relaxation. Spend around ten minutes on it.
7.Kapalbhati Pranayama
Benefits of this breathing practise include clearing your lungs and boosting circulation for clearer vision. This exercise is incredibly effective and guarantees you a flatter stomach, improved vision, glossy hair, and many other benefits. While the exhalations are strong and follow each other quickly, the inhalation is nearly nonexistent.
Procedure: Take a seat in a relaxed stance. Padmasana, Sukhasana, or Vajrasana are potential candidates. If you have back problems, you can allow yourself to lean against a wall for support because this breathing exercise is intense and novices may have back pain.Keep your hands in the yoga mudra and close your eyes.With your attention on your lower belly, inhale quickly, then quickly and forcefully expel (approximately 8–10 each inhale–exhale cycle for 1–2 seconds). Beginners should maintain their hands on their bellies because they could find it challenging to focus during the first few repetitions.Slowly increase the number of cycles. You are capable of reaching up to 100 counts with frequent practise.
8.Bahya Pranayam
Benefits: This aids in relieving illnesses related to the reproductive organs and is a great way to increase circulation and clean the lungs. Make sure you practise this pranayama with an empty stomach.
Steps: Take a comfortable seat in Padmasana or Sukhasana. Breathe in deeply and let the air out of your lungs quickly. Now, while continuing to breathe, lock your chin to your chest. The Jalandhar’s Bandha is referred to as this. To bring your tummy closer to your spine, pull it in as much as you can. The Uddiyana Bandha is referred to as this. Hold your groyne muscles up now or hold the Moolabandha position. Start by keeping the Bandhas together for 10 to 15 seconds. Releasing the Bandhas requires taking a big breath. Repeat for 2 minutes at first, then 5 minutes, and finally 7 minutes.
9.Anuloma – Viloma Pranayama
Benefits: This pranayama, sometimes referred to as the alternate nostril breathing practise, is the simplest of the pranayamas.
Procedure: Sitting in Padmasana or Sukhasana, stretch out your hands, resting the palms on your knees in yoga mudra. Lift your right hand in Pranayama mudra. Using the thumb, close the right nostril. Take a deep inhalation with the left nostril. Closing the left nostril, allow exhalation through the right nostril. Now, inhale through the right nostril and allow exhalation via left nostril. This completes one round of Anuloma – Viloma Pranayama.Repeat for 10 to 15 times to start with, increasing to 50 to 75 times, gradually.
10.Udgeeth Breathing
Benefits: Chanting “OM” is required during what is essentially a meditation activity. It’s perfect for people who want to unwind. This is something kids can practise to improve their memory. Longer inhalations and exhalations are part of this breathing exercise.
Steps: Take a comfortable seat in Padmasana or Sukhasana.Take a long, deep breath.Chant Om as long as you can as you exhale. The outcomes are better the longer you can hold your breath.A round is finished with one chant. Before beginning the following repetition, take around 15 seconds to unwind with your eyes closed and regular breathing.Start by repeating this for 2 to 3 minutes; then, progressively extend the repetitions to 10 minutes.
11.Agnisara Kriya
Benefits: The Sanskrit word agnisara, which combines the words agni (fire) and sara (cleaning or washing), has several meanings. To be more precise, the Manipura chakra, which is located close to the belly button, is being cleansed during this activity.
Steps: Stand with your legs apart and inhale deeply through your nose.
Knees are slightly bent. Take a small downward head bend and breathe out through your mouth.Make sure your abdominal muscles are relaxed and that your back is always straight. To bring your navel up and inward towards your spine, do the following.Hold your breath for roughly 15 counts before fluttering your abdomen muscles ten times while keeping your breath held.
Benefits: The Corpse Pose is the excellent asana for allowing your body to unwind after a workout.
Lay down in the supine position.Depending on your level of comfort, keep your feet close together or spread apart.Allow your hands to rest with their palms facing the floor on either side of the body.Shut your eyes.Deeply inhale and exhale as you let your body completely unwind.
Infographic: 5 Top Baba Ramdev Eye Yoga Poses
Baba Ramdev is credited with spreading yoga’s popularity. Even while yoga has numerous positive health effects, certain breathing exercises and relaxation methods are only for enhancing eyesight and maintaining eye health. The top 5 Baba Ramdev yoga poses are compiled in the infographic below. These poses may aid in managing vision-related ailments and maintaining eye health. Look at this.
Through television and yoga camps, Baba Ramdev promoted yoga in India and internationally, helping millions of people. His yoga emphasises pranayama and other techniques that can treat specific illnesses. The eye yoga poses recommended by Baba Ramdev above might help to strengthen the eyes and reduce eye tiredness. They help with vision improvement and are favourable for those with myopia and hypermetropia. Additionally, they enhance blood flow and reduce puffiness and fatigue. To get better results, you should incorporate a balanced diet and enough sleep into your daily schedule.
Questions and Answers
1.Is the Surya Namaskar beneficial to the eyes?
There are poses in Surya Namaskar that might increase blood flow throughout the body . The eyes may also benefit from this. However, Surya Namaskar’s importance for the eyes is not supported by scientific research.
2.Does anulom vilom improve vision?
There is no evidence to support the effectiveness of the breathing exercise known as anulom vilom for the eyes. However, as it could have an impact on your heart and respiratory systems, it might also have some impact on your eyes.
3.How much time should I devote to eye yoga?
The duration of eye yoga is not predetermined. Despite this, it is still advised to incorporate at least 10 minutes of eye yoga into your regular yoga and workout programme.
4.How often ought I to do eye exercises?
To improve your eye health, you should practise yoga at least once a day. Although there is no proof that eye yoga improves vision, these movements might nonetheless assist to calm you and stretch your tense eye muscles.
5.Are Baba Ramdev’s eye yoga poses secure for everyone to perform?
Baba Ramdev, a prominent yoga guru from India, has popularized various yoga practices, including eye yoga poses. These exercises are often claimed to improve eye health and relieve eye strain. While some people may find these exercises beneficial, it’s essential to exercise caution and consider individual factors before attempting them.
Eye yoga exercises typically involve eye movements and focusing techniques. These exercises may be suitable for some individuals, but they might not be appropriate for everyone. Certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, or recent eye surgery, may require specific precautions or contraindicate certain movements. Additionally, if you experience any discomfort, pain, or worsening of your symptoms during or after performing these exercises, it’s advisable to discontinue them and seek medical advice.